Taylor Airey is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for its staff. As Directors we are committed to fulfilling our obligations, both legal and otherwise. To achieve this, we will establish, implement, and maintain an effective and appropriate Occupational Health & Safety management system aligned with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018.
We expect all of our employees to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions or omissions.
We will review our business processes to facilitate the continual improvement of our health and safety performance, ensuring that adequate resources are made available to achieve effective legal compliance and to aspire to the highest standards in line with best practice.
Taylor Airey is committed to providing:
- A safe and secure place of work with safe access and egress;
- Adequate information, instruction, training and supervision for all our employees;
- Appropriate First Aid provisions and Personal Protective Equipment; and
- Procedures for reporting and investigating accidents and incidents.
Through appropriate risk assessments we will ensure that all foreseeable hazards relating to health, safety, and wellbeing are identified, assessed, and eliminated where possible to prevent work related injury and ill health to all our employees and others who may be affected by our actions.
We will determine and maintain a set of objectives appropriate to our business alongside a set of measurable indicators to monitor our performance. This provides a framework for setting and monitoring our health and safety objectives.
We will consult with the OHS Workers’ Representative on health and safety matters. All members of our team are encouraged to participate in the review and continuous improvement of our health and safety management practices. All are made aware of duties and responsibilities, and performance and training requirements are appraised at regular intervals.
This policy statement will be communicated to all employees of Taylor Airey. It will be periodically reviewed to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate to the business and the nature and scale of occupational health and safety risks that may exist.
Issue 2